
Vizyobed® (Air Mattress) Anti - Decubitus mattress is designed and manufactured for the solution of pressure-induced bed sores (decubitus ulcer)
Pressures sores and their treatment processed are very hard and economically expensive. The main purpose of Vizyobed is to prevent the occurrence of sores. Thus, to prevent treatment costs due to sores to occur, to reduce personnel costs, and to save time.
Studies conducted have shown that the sore formation process is mainly based on three main reasons.

  1. Due to disruption in blood circulation due to pressure
  2. Due to wetness such as perspiration, urine etc.
  3. Due to friction

After observing these three main factors that causing the sore occurrence, a product was designed to solve this problem and Vizyobed emerged as a system.
Solution and Usage;
It primarily distributes the pressure on the patient resulting from lying in the same position for a long time by the A-B system.

There are two different featured products.

  1. Vizyobed Plus; The pressure at the same point completely disappeared with Plus mattresses with one filled one empty air cells, 5 min periods and 1 min transitions.
  2. Vizyobed Pro; The position giving (Pro model) mattress eliminates the first reason of sore formation by distributing the pressure at the single point to different points of the body, by putting the patient on right with a 30-degree angle for 5 min., on straight transition position for 1 min., on left for 5 min., and again on straight transition position at its site.

The system consists of 2 pumps. The pump 1 is used for pressure distribution. The pump 2 prevents the perspiration by blowing the ambient air continuously on the patient's back (by means of special channels on the mattress. For this purpose, the second main reason of sore formation is also eliminated. At the same time, both pumps are alternate backups.

Friction-induced sore formation is also resolved in both mattress models since pressure is distributed at the patient site without any friction.
Thus, the system as a whole prevents the formation of sores.

The inlet 4 in mattresses is designed for direct connection to the oxygen panel, and concentrate oxygen support can be provided to the sore healing phase with concentrated oxygen to the sore if any. The mattress air cells are independent of each other and if a cell is damaged, it is easily replaced without affecting other cells.

The sheet (mattress) on the mattress is made of a flexible polyurethane liquid-tight and air-permeable material. It is antibacterial and washable with textiles.

The main factors to be considered are that materials that prevent air permeability such as undersheet should not laid on the mattress. There is no harm in the use of the sheets used daily provided that they are laid in a way that they will be stretched and there will not be any fold line.
Our advice is not to put even a pillow under the patient's head. Sore formation can be observed on the shoulders in contact with the pillow. Since the air mattress has an accordion system, when the patient bed is lifted, the mattress takes this position and it is seen that there is no need for a pillow.


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